====== Connect via VPN on Android ======
**Android** systems are **not officially supported** by OTH. Therefore this wiki page is just **support for self-help**. If you have issues you will only receive **conditional support** from the data center service team at OTH.\\
This wiki page was created using **Android 8.0 Oreo** and **FortiClient for Android**.\\
===== Install FortiClient on Android =====
- Open **Play Store** on your Android smartphone. {{ :public:netz:vpn:android:1_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300 |}}
- Install the **[[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fortinet.forticlient_vpn|FortiClient VPN]]** app by **Fortinet** {{ :public:netz:vpn:android:2_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300 |}}
- Open **FortiClient VPN** app and confirm the required permissions.\\
{{:public:netz:vpn:android:3_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}} {{:public:netz:vpn:android:4_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}} {{:public:netz:vpn:android:5_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}}
- Enter a name for the VPN connection (e.g. **OTH Regensburg**), choose **SSL VPN** as VPN Type and click on **Create** {{ :public:netz:vpn:android:6_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300 |}}
- Enter "**%%https://sslvpn.oth-regensburg.de/vpn-default%%**" (without "") for Server. For username enter your personal NDS-identifier following the schema **abc12345**. Click "Back" to save the configuration. {{ :public:netz:vpn:android:7_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300 |}}
- Click on **Connect** to establish a connnection to the VPN server. Enter your personal password and confirm the note about the VPN symbol in your status bar with "Ok". Subsequently the VPN connection will be established.\\ {{:public:netz:vpn:android:8_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}} {{:public:netz:vpn:android:9_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}} {{:public:netz:vpn:android:10_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300|}}
- After the VPN connection has been successfully established, some information like session duration, external and internal IP address will be displayed. {{ :public:netz:vpn:android:11_forticlientandroid.png?direct&300 |}}
====== Troubleshooting - Known issues ======
===== I could not establish a connection =====
Please not that it is not possible to establish a connection whilst being connected to the WiFi network of OTH (this includes both "Eduroam" as well as "secure.hs-regensburg.de") as you then already are connected to the university network. Thus a VPN connnection is not necessary anyway.
**If you encounter connection issues, please check the following.**
* Do you have a sufficiently fast internet connection? Using mobile data 3G should be available; slower connections like EDGE could potentially be too slow.
* Are the configuration parameters correct? Please check with a click on "Settings" within the FortiClient app whether server and username are correct
* Are there updates for the FortiClient app available? In case the most recent version of the FortiClient app is not installed, there could potentially be compatability issues with the VPN-Gateway.
* Restart your smartphone
====== Instructions for other operating systems ======
* [[public:netz:vpn_forticlient_windows|Install FortiClient for Microsoft Windows]]
* [[public:netz:vpn_forticlient_macos|Install FortiClient for Apple Mac OS]]
* [[public:netz:vpn_forticlient_android|Install FortiClient for Android]]
* [[public:netz:vpn_forticlient_ios|Install FortiClient for Apple iPhone (iOS)]]
* [[public:netz:vpn_forticlient_linux|Install FortiClient for Linux]]